Lewisboro Horsemen’s Association Rules of Conduct
Horseback riding is a dangerous sport and members must participate at their own risk. Members assume all risk and release and hold harmless Lewisboro Horsemen’s Association officers, their agents, hosts and volunteers and the landowners of the property on which the trails are laid, from all liability for negligence resulting in accidents, damage, injury or illness to the member and his or her property, including the horse(s) members ride. All members must read the following rules & regulations, and agree to abide by them.
Trails Are For Members Only
Trails are only for members. Only member riders are allowed on the trails and trail membership tags must be prominently displayed at all times. Riders are asked to notify LHA of use of the trails by individuals who are not members of LHA.
Obey all Signs
Riders must obey all signs and may not linger on trails. Riders must stay on the trail at all times.
Keep to Trail Hours
The trails are open for riding between the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm or dusk, whichever comes earlier.
No Dogs
No dogs are allowed on the trails.
Respect the Trails
Noise should be kept to a minimum, especially around houses. Riders must respect all verbal requests of landowners. Littering and smoking is forbidden.
Keep Safe
All riders must wear hard hats and proper footwear. Use of trails while under the influence of alcohol or drugs is strictly forbidden.
No Vehicles
No motorized or non-motorized vehicles are allowed on trails.
No Unaccompanied Children
Riders under the age of 12 must be accompanied by an adult.
Violation of Rules of Conduct
Riders who violate these rules will be barred from using the trails, and may have their membership revoked.
Ride At Your Own Risk
Members agree to ride at their own risk, and sign a statement to that effect.
These Rules of Conduct are not intended to be all inclusive. If situations arise that are not covered by these rules, please use common sense, combined with courtesy and care. Only then can we hope to be able to enjoy this trail system for years to come. Thank you for your cooperation.